
Paper Pixel Art, Germany

Frida Kahlo

478 PostIts, 1.68m x.2.20m
Hamburg, ABC Straße

The creation of „Frida Kahlo“ was a game changer in any matter!
So far, I had only recreated pixel artworks from digital to the real world and especially limited my selection to nerd motifs, especially Gaming and Comic Culture like Wonder Woman, Super Mario, Batman, Pokemon etc.

For the International Women’s Week (8th of March every year), I planned a short series of female heroes, female leaders and feminists in honour to their works. I started with „Frida Kahlo“, a woman I’ve always been impressed not only by her works, but especially by her life and how she dealt with so many setbacks.

The biggest problem with real people is, that you have only a limited amount of pixels to create them in a way, that they are easy to recognise. Also, the number of pixel art about feminists unfortunately still is very „limited“, so it was clear: I had to create my own pixel art… and it had to be really good to keep the respect for these amazing women.

Of course, Frida Kahlo with her dominant eyebrows and her iconic faible for fantastic ornaments, jewellery and decoration, it was an easier task than portraying other women. So I’ve started the series with her.

It must have been the zeitgeist in 2019, because after I sticked the postits to the wall, only weeks later, Frida Kahlo was seen everywhere: The shopping windows were full of Frida Kahlo pillows, Frida Kahlo shirts, socks etc and I was quite happy, that she received this recognition.

„Frida Kahlo“ also was a special moment for myself and my career, because it happened, that the organisation team of the „Online Marketing Rockstars“ fair in Hamburg was randomly passing by and saw the artwork through the windows. As they were planning to increase to focus on art on top of marketing on their exhibition, they asked me, if I want to show my art on their event. And of course I wanted to!

With this chance, it was clear to me, that this opportunity might lead to follow-up initiatives in the future for social media events for brands or other events, so I officially registered a side business as „Pixel Artist“.

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